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Air Show 2000
What We Do


The main goal of VARC is to establish emergency communication networks during floods, hurricanes, fires, and other major disasters. We practice & improve our skills by participating in community events such as:


   .The Texas Water Safari

   .Winter Field Day

   .ARRL Summer Field Day

   .Family Outdoor Expo

   .Kiwanis Riverside Bike Ride



We have club members authorized to test for the various Amateur Radio Licenses. Testing is held periodically according to the rules of the Federal Communications Commission, the U.S. Government Agency responsible for licensing amateur operators.  Contact VARC to schedule a test.

Our Story


The VARC was established on December 5, 1958. Amateur radio, also known as Ham radio, is a fun hobby & provides a variety of services to the community. Our goals are to:


· Educate the community about amateur radio

· Be active in community programs in time of emergency

· Assist the National Weather Service in gathering local weather  information with the Skywarn Program

· Assist with communications in area events

· Communicate with more than 2 million operators by voice, teleprinting, telegraphy, fax, & television in all parts of the world & space

· Get others interested in becoming hams

· Share knowledge with other hams regarding radio techniques

· Have fun with amateur radio as a hobby


A membership drive occurs every January, but anyone can join at any time. Annual Dues are $15 for an individual and $20 for a family.


Visitors are welcome to participate to learn more about the club.

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