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The script for the Monday Night NET may be altered as long as the key components remain: Station ID, Points of Interest, Roll Call, Re-Checks, Reports, Opportunity to Buy/Sell/Trade, & How to get more information


Good evening everyone this is  Call Sign  - Welcome to the Victoria and the Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club's Combined Monday Night Net on the W5DSC repeater.

My name is  Name  and my call sign is  Call Sign.  I will be the net control operator for this session of the net.


If any operator has priority traffic anytime during this net, please use the double break and give your call sign and the net will recognize you and handle your traffic.


This net meets every Monday night on the W5DSC repeater at 8:00 P.M. on this frequency of 145.190 MHZ or the alternate frequency of 145.13 MHZ , both repeaters have a negative offset and require a PL tone of 103.5 HZ.


This is a controlled net, all amateur radio operators licensed to operate on this frequency are welcome to participate and all traffic should pass through the net control operator.


If you are listening to this net on a scanner or similar VHF device and you are interested in amateur radio or would like to become an amateur radio operator, you may contact me for more information at telephone number  Phone #  or you can email me at   email  .




(You can say)


Each club has regular monthly meetings and if you are interested in attending a meeting, you may look up the Victoria Amateur Radio Club or the Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club on their Facebook or Web Pages ( VARC.US  /  CCARC.INFO ).



(Or you can give specific information)


The Victoria Amateur Radio Club meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month (except for June and December) at 7:00 P.M. at 110 Medical Drive in the DeTar North Training Room.  Several club members often get together before the meeting for dinner at 6:00 P.M.  at the Victoria Mall Food Court near Chick-fill-A. 


The Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month (except for June, July and December).  A covered dish dinner is held at 7:00 P.M. and the meeting follows at 7:30 P.M. The meetings are held at the Trust Texas Bank in Yorktown, located at 225 East Main Street in Yorktown, TX 78164. The frequency for the Coleto Creek Club repeater is 146.640 MHZ with a negative offset and requires a PL tone of 103.5 HZ





Once again, this is  Call Sign  on the W5DSC repeater with the Victoria Amateur Radio Club and the Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club’s Combined Monday Night Net.


We will start this session of the net with points of interest. If you have any amateur radio related points of interest you would like to share with those listening to this net, please give your call sign and the net control operator will recognize you.  


[Pause for points of interest]


With no other points of interest, we will now move to the Check-in portion of the net.


When you check in, please key your mike, wait approximately one-half of a second and then say “This Is”, then release your mike to listen for any other station(s) that may be doubling with you, if nothing is heard then come back and give your full call sign  Slowly and phonetically followed with your name and location. This will hopefully avoid talking over someone else trying to Check-In.



Check-ins, please call now…


[Log check-ins]


[Pause after Check-Ins stop]


[Roll call station check-ins]


I will now call on the stations that have checked in for comments. Please let us know if you have any needs for assistance from our ham community such as ham gear wanted or technical assistance or physical help.  Also please let us know what you can offer back to our ham community in terms of ham related items for sale or donation, technical advice,  or physical assistance.  Each of us has something we can contribute to the good of our community.   You also have the opportunity to advertise for any ham radio related items or equipment that you would like to buy, sell, or trade.  If you know of any individual or group that may be interested in Amateur Radio Exams, Testing, or Training Classes,  please contact any club officer.


Remember, wait approximately one-half second after you press your Push-To-Talk (PTT) key before you begin to talk. The transmitters and repeaters all require this time to begin transmitting, otherwise the first part of you transmission does not go out over the air and causes errors.



[Roll call station check-ins]


Are there any more check-ins or rechecks, please call now …




Are there any more points of interest or questions that have come up based on the reports given tonight?




With nothing heard, I want to thank everyone that participated in this net.


We had  ____  check-ins and  ____  proxy check-ins for tonight’s net.


I will now close this session of the Victoria and Coleto Creek Combined Monday Night Net and return this repeater back to its normal amateur radio use.


This is  Call Sign  Clear.






Rev 2A1


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