REGULAR MEMBERSHIP - All persons licensed as amateur radio operators shall be eligible for REGULAR MEMBERSHIP, with the right to hold an organization office and vote for organization officers.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP - All unlicensed person interested in and/or studying for their amateur radio license shall be eligible for ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP with all club privileges except for the right to vote for organization officers or to hold an organization office.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - All persons licensed as amateur radio operators living at the same address and immediate family members shall be eligible for FAMILY MEMBERSHIP, with all club privileges and the right to vote or hold a club office.
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP - shall be either by oral or written application. Each applicant must indicate a willingness to abide by the Articles and Bylaws. A majority of the regular membership at any meeting shall approve the applicant prior to granting the membership privileges and each member shall be provided a copy of these bylaws.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS - The officers of the Corporation shall be nominated at the October meeting and shall be voted on at the regular November meeting. The nominated officers shall be announced on the weekly nets prior to the November meeting. Club members who cannot be present for the election may vote absentee by returning their ballot to the Secretary no later than the Monday prior to the regular November meeting.
No Elected officer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Vacancies occurring between regular elections shall be filled in the following manner. The Vice-President shall complete the term of President if the President is unable to complete his/her term. Vacancies occurring in the other offices shall be filled by appointment of the President.
Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the REGULAR MEMBERS.
Officers who miss three (3) consecutive meetings without reasonable excuse shall be automatically removed from office.
The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the organization, and shall conduct the same according to the law and bylaws adopted. He/she shall enforce the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, and shall perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of the PRESIDENT. The PRESIDENT shall appoint any committees that he/she deem necessary.
The VICE-PRESIDENT shall assume the duties of the President and shall preside over meetings of the organization in the absence of the PRESIDENT. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall also assume such tasks and responsibilities as shall be assigned or delegated by the PRESIDENT.
The SECRETARY shall keep the minutes of the organization and its meetings, maintain all records pertaining to membership, carry on correspondence of the organization, read communications at meetings, and maintain all records relating to the affiliations. It shall be the duty of the SECRETARY to keep the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION and BYLAWS of the VICTORIA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC. and to have the same at every meeting. He/she shall cause all amendments to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by members upon request.
The TREASURER shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and expanded, and maintain all required financial and tax records. He/she shall make no non-budgeted and non-emergency disbursement of funds in excess of $100.00 without the approval by a majority of the members present at the next membership meeting. He/she shall submit an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements at each monthly meeting. At the expiration of his/her term, the TREASURER shall transfer all organization monies and records to his/her successor.
The PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER shall notify the media of newsworthy organizational activities, and generally promote amateur radio to the public on behalf of the organization. He/she shall also keep members informed of organizational activities and meetings through mailings, newsletters, radio contacts, etc.
There shall be three TRUSTEES for the organization, one of which shall be the PRESIDENT, the other two to be selected by the membership. The TRUSTEES must be members in good standing. The TRUSTEES shall maintain all club equipment and shall buy and dispose of club equipment according to the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION and at the direction of the organization. The PRESIDENT, serving as TRUSTEE, shall be responsible for maintaining the club license. The TRUSTEES shall maintain and sign any documents that require the signature of a TRUSTEE or TRUSTEES.
Regular meeting of the organization shall be held on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise voted upon by regular membership. Meetings shall be held at such place as directed by the PRESIDENT.
At meetings, a minimum of one-third of the regular membership or (10) regular members, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business of the organization.
Special Meetings may be requested by the President or by a minimum of five Regular or Family members by written notification to the President informing him/her of the Special Meeting and the business to be transacted. Notice of such Special Meeting shall be mailed to all organization members with sufficient advance notice that ordinary first class mail delivery shall arrive at least 24 hours before the time therein set for the meeting. Only such business as is designated in the notice may be transacted at such special meeting.
The club shall annually require the payment of dues in such amounts and categories as deemed necessary for the operation of the organization. Dues shall be non-refundable and payable during the first month of the year. Club membership entry dues at times other than at the first month shall be prorated proportionate to the months of the year remaining.
UNLESS AMENDED BY SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE OF THE REGULAR MEMBERS, membership dues and categories of membership shall be as follows:
A. REGULAR MEMBERSHIP dues shall be $15.00 per year.
B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP dues shall be $5.00 per year.
C. FAMILY MEMBERSHIP dues shall be $20.00 per year
3. DUES FOR ANY MEMBER may be waived by a majority vote of the regular membership at any regular meeting.
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the total membership. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the PRESIDENT OR SECRETARY in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting. All members shall be sent a copy of all proposed amendments with a ballot enclosed which may be returned to the SECRETARY for an absentee vote if the member cannot be present at the meeting when the regular vote on the amendment will be taken.
Upon approval of these bylaws by a majority vote of the total membership, any and all prior bylaws of the organization shall become null and void.
We do hereby certify that the above BYLAWS of the VICTORIA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC. were duly approved and adopted by a majority vote of the total members of the VICTORIA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC. on ___________, 2001.
Amended - January 2001